Thursday, April 30, 2009

This is getting out of hand...

We've created a monster!!!

Behold, our picture. Yes, the neglected children one.

Mitch found it on Demonicious, which (from what I can gather) is a website dedicated to cool and interesting pictures and videos - simple as that. Our picture was found in the daily selection of April 24th - that'd be THE DAY AFTER WE POSTED THE PICTURE. And it was brought to my attention today. Which is the 29th.

Isn't that exciting? It's evolving!

The pictures surrounding our little guy admittedly isn't a very good example of what gets posted - I recommend you checking out the site for yourself, I found some very cool stuff.

A place like Reddit is a great platform from which people find interesting articles, cool pictures, funny videos ... anything of interest at all, really. I can't count the amount of hours spent scrolling through Digg and Reddit. So really, it shouldn't be surprising that our picture then was picked up by someone else, who sent it to someone else, who posted it on their own website. I know I've got plenty of pictures saved and sites bookmarked from my nightly sessions on those websites. I guess once we send out something into the internet that is of interest and is actually cool (see: ORIGINAL MATERIAL, not just another much as we do love those), what people choose to do with it is really out of our hands.

Even if we were to put some sort of copyright STAMP on it, it's not as if (realistically) we'd be able to do anything if someone were to repost it or add something to it, or turn it around into something totally offensive. Which, given the nature of so much of the internet, is highly likely to happen.

Stay tuned, interwebbers.

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