Thursday, May 7, 2009

Digg, fail.

Righto, so I was going to submit our neglected children photo to Digg...or rather, ask Mitch to. As with Reddit, his account has had far more "action" than mine. Anyway, I soon got word that we'd been beaten to it! Here's the source (as in, apart from OURS) link that was posted. In fact, it was submitted TWICE.
As a good Digg-er, I am not about to submit something that's already been submitted twice, one of which died a fairly lonely death.

Still, there's quite a bit that can be gleaned from this experience.

In the words of Mitch, "I feel used and abused."
That's the alley in Melbourne, that's us that took the photo. I guess that's further proof that once you send something into the big bad world of the interwebs, it's really out of your control as to what people do with it. How were we to ever monitor who saved the photo onto their computer, and what they then did with it? It's all well and good to stick a Creative Commons license on it, but I have a feeling that wasn't ever going to make much of a difference. Oh, how our picture has grown up!

Secondly, I find it interesting that out of the two submissions, one has 90 diggs and four comments, and the other had no comments and significantly less diggs. 18, in fact. That was two weeks ago, and I think I can safely say that it's not going to be getting anymore comments anytime soon. With these sorts of websites, there's a space of a few days in which the submission has a chance to gain popularity...after that, it fizzles out pretty quickly (unless of course, it makes it onto the front page of Digg...). RIP, neglected children picture.

Thirdly...the fact that the reaction of users was so much LESS then what we received on Reddit. We got 74 comments, and 485 points (the equivalent of diggs). Why the difference? It can't possibly be a result of our lovely personalities. Mitch can hardly be described as a "power user" on Reddit...if that title can even be applied in the first place. You see, Digg and Reddit work on pretty much the same principle: that people submit interesting things found on the interwebs, people give it points if it's good (or if it's crap), then comment the hell out of it all. To grossly generalise, they're full of nerds, stoners, and XKCD fans (and therefore, everything that comes along with that). Mostly male. But like I said, that's a gross generalisation. However, of the two sites that do nigh on the same thing, the reputations of each are certainly different. Digg, once almightily cool, is now dominated by power users, whose stories automatically end up on the frong page...and everyone else's doesn't. Or more accurately, it's just MUCH more difficult. Reddit though, is the Cool One now. It's the up and coming site, for those in the know. Not dominated by power users, stories now more often than not appear on Reddit first, THEN Digg. So I guess our picture is no different!

I have a feeling we'll move onto a different story to follow after this...Neglected has done the rounds of the interwebs, I think this is pretty much all we can squeeze from it. I mean, we could try 4chan, but I have a sneaking suspicion we'd ONLY get responses of Pedo Bear comments.

No, time for something new.

I've submitted a couple things to Om Nom Nom Nom, and Motifake...let's wait and see what happens!

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