Wednesday, May 13, 2009

hello, /b/

The time has come.

Image courtesy of Kyla Brettle

Remember I wrote that the /b/ board on 4chan was down?
Well, it's back up.
Literally, just came back up. After a week being down. I'm no /b/tard, but even I was getting a little fidgety without it. It seems this project has well and truly invaded very being. Oh dear.

What I've found really interesting are the reactions of those who inhabit /b/ to their beloved image board being down. And of course, I'm writing this after a good hour being spent catching up on the flurry of activity since it's been back up. I can count at least three threads already along the lines of "what did you do while /b/ was down?" or, "I missed /b/ so much!". It's a little heartwarming actually - to see a community that can be so cruel and perverse actually being really quite happy to be talking to each other again...even if it is anonymously. There is a real sense of community in /b/, which is probably a result of the board's long life, and the fact that it's been through quite a lot during the six or so years that it's been in existence. I guess it took the board being down for the /b/rothers to acknowledge what a huge part of their lives /b/ is. Of course, that's a big generalisation, but I think it was worth noting upon reading the threads recently. Having said all that, there's still the this...

Dear /b/,

A 13 year old confessed to my 18 year old friend she had a sex dream about him. And wished it was true.

is this win? y/n?

Yours sincerely, Anon

Anyway. I thought it was a good a time as any for me to embark on my first /b/ post...nay, my first post of any kind on 4chan. I mean, there's going to be a LOT of people posting tonight, being the one of the first nights /b/'s been back up and working. So let's think of this as a bit of a practice run.

Sifting through the pictures at my disposal, I decided on the quite amazing billboard photo you saw at the beginning of this post. You see, it has a few ingredients that I think will result in a few comments and reactions:
  • The sideways eye looks like something naughty. And we all know how much /b/ likes all things naughty.
  • It was taken in Japan. And we all know how much /b/ likes all things Japanese.
  • There's a rather large wtf factor.
Massive thank you to Kyla for providing us with the photo...

Anyway, I literally just posted it now there's a bit of the waiting game to be played. I'm hoping that the fact that /b/ is almost completely anonymous will result in us getting some attention. Unlike Digg, 4chan really is all about the content (if you can call it that)

Stay tuned...

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