Monday, May 11, 2009

don't arrest me, I'm a bear!

So last Friday we finally got around to filming our Bear Video...the biggest part of our memes project.

As I briefly wrote on my main uni blog, this shoot was undertaken with a large degree of preparation, as well as nerves. We really only had one go at getting it right...anymore than that would result in a loss of spontaneity, both from our "performances", and the reactions of those walking past.

We borrowed the bear suit from Ben and Mitch (meme poster boy, remember?), and had to get the filming out of the way as quickly as we could, because young Benfordshire had to take Mr Bear to Prahran for a rehearsal. So apart from the one-take stress, and the fact that Clay (our cop) was running late, and the planning that had taken place (honestly, we felt like we were in the middle of pulling an Oceans 11-esque heist), we had to think about that. I can only speak for myself, but I was definitely feeling the nerves...not to mention I had to think of my performance! I won't lie, I'm quite good at making a fool of myself in public, but never in a bear suit with a head that I couldn't see out of!

Anyway, with Karin for company and moral support along for the ride, and with Ben meeting us at GPO, we soon set off to our location. That is, after some hand cuff dramas, and a quick rehearsal with Clay (which, needless to say, gained us quite a bit of attention).

So what was this heist-like plan, complete with diagram full of arrows and scribbles?
We would turn up at GPO. I would go to the toilets and get changed into the bear suit. Kay would then meet me at the elevator with the bear head, and ring Nat, telling her to start filming. He would then wait behind a pillar with the costume bag until it was time for me to jump out of the costume. I'd then strut my stuff on Bourke St. After about 10 seconds of me strutting my stuff, Selwyn would then signal to Clay to come and arrest me. I'd try to evade him for a little while, but then let him tackle me to the ground and cuff me. Done and done.

But what happened?
First of all, we found there was no reception in the downstairs toilets. Then the zip broke. So we couldn't tell Nat that we were delayed. So in the end we decided to just go with a half-zipped bear. So I descend the stairs and begin dancing around, but Ben suddenly appeared and told me that my hair was coming out from under the head of the bear. Shit. So I raced back up, and tied my hair back, while Ben struggled with my zip. No luck. No matter, time for a second take!
BUT. Then the camera didn't record it. Technical difficulties be damned. One more try.
"I'm only doing one more!" - Clay.
So. I started dancing again, waving my arms at people, yelling "I'M A BEAR! WOO! I'M A BEAR!" ...and I'm not one to talk myself up or anything, but I got some pretty great reactions from people. Clay raced towards me, "HEY! YOU CAN'T DANCE HERE!"...and as much as I could with no view of where I was going, I tried to run away. Until Clay grabbed me and tripped me over, and I sprawled onto the ground with the head coming off. It was then that I regretting assuring Clay that I could "take a bump". The things we do for art! I suppose it paid of however, because again we got some great looks from people walking back. We even got some people stopping and trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

And then it was over. All that preparation, and it was over so quickly.

So how did it turn out?
I don't know, to be honest. I'm a little disappointed. I mean, it looks pretty good, it certainly looks pretty legit. BUT, having been IN the bear suit, and having seen the reactions from people around us, I think that we could have done more to actually capture the looks on peoples faces. Similarly, my bear-dancing is mostly obscured by two guys walking past the camera. Perhaps I should have told Nat to move around more, to "Michael Mann it"...but I think she did a really good job all things considered - I may just be nit-picking.

I'm tempted to film it again, but I think that's over-ambitious. Rough cut's due this week, and we've really run out of time.

Having said that though, it was a really fun experience, and I think that the footage DOES look good, despite my misgivings. It was quite a rush, to be honest! As soon as I took the costume off, I wanted to do it again! I can't thank Clay enough for being the cop...I know that it must've been ridiculously least I had a bear suit to hide behind!

Well done guys :)

Stay tuned to watch the actual video!

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