Saturday, May 23, 2009


Major update!!
Our bear video is now at over 2480 views! That's right! That's OVER 9000!!!

We've also been getting some interesting comments. The range of comments is pretty much limited to two: firstly, there's the "ZOMG THIS IS SO FAKE. NOT FUNNY. LAME" kind of comment. Then there's the "LOL you suck it's supposed to be fake! Haha bears" type of comment. These was to be expected - you'd be surprised how many people on the interwebs have trouble distinguishing between what's supposed to be a joke and what's serious.

What's been really encouraging though, is the fact that I know that our play count hasn't been a result of myself and my group members sitting in front of the computer screen pressing "replay" over and over again. No, it appears that it has actually genuinely been people watching it and recommending it to people that they know. Woo! Very exciting. Because personally, I know that my friends are pretty lazy. I can't actually imagine them watching it more than a few times. Definitely not over a hundred each!!

The keyboard cat has been doing quite well, especially considering we haven't been plugging it as hard as the original. We've sent it in to Play him off Keyboard Cat, but no sign of our video yet. I'm sure there's a massive backlog of submissions, so that's no surprise. At any rate, it's got about 450 views.

Other stats...
- 230 facebook group members
- 20 ratings, giving is 4 stars

We're in the midst of editing our videos for our tumblr site, All Your Meme Are Belong to Us, and I think it's come to the crunch time in which we have to stop monitoring our memes and just shut up and gather the information and our findings together. No more posting on 4chan, no more waiting for the view number to climb up.

Stay tuned.

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