Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Little memes, updated.

We've been meme-ing our little hearts out.

Om nom nom nom.
Here's the original picture.

Problem: om nom nom nom only takes submissions via a forum, namely a reply on this thread. Then it's put on the main website. I submitted it early last week.

No direct replies however, it's really only a thread for people to post new om nom pictures. I tried scrolling through the main website BUT the pictures are randomly selected. So I would potentially be scrolling for hours on end. Literally.

Quite annoying. The main page says that they're "working on it"...but we don't have that kind of time.

SO. Next step: posting an Om Nom Nom Nom Demotivational Poster on Motifake.

It has to get approved before it gets onto the actual website, so for the moment we're playing the waiting game. Stay tuned though.

What's BEYOND annoying is the fact that /b/ hasn't been working. As a result, I haven't been able to post anything on the breeding ground for memes, the home of one of the most notorious internet communities. I'm hoping it'll be back up tonight...stay tuned, kids.

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