Tuesday, May 12, 2009


don't arrest me. i'm a bear.
by: vPIP
Embed (copy & paste):

So here's the video. Like I said, it's mighty mighty annoying that those two guys just walked in front of the camera like that - but I guess something like that was to be expected.
There's no chance of us filming again SO we're just going to have to work with this.

Plan of attack?
- post onto youtube. I'll use my brother's account, as well as Mitch's. That's two different accounts from two very different types of users...hopefully we'll get some views.
- Then we'll post the url onto Twitter, tumblr, and various other social networking sites.
- Then Digg & Reddit.
- Then Failblog.
- I'll then make a Facebook group. Woo.

I'm doing some pondering however...what to do about music? Should we add subtitles so the viewer knows that I'm yelling, "DON'T ARREST ME! I'M A BEAR!" ...? Hmm. I think I might. Maybe not the music though. Will consult the rest of the group.

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