Sunday, May 17, 2009

Play him off, keyboard cat!

Right, so literally THE DAY of our main bear shoot I was alerted to the growing existence of the "newest youtube sensation". No, not Susan Boyle...but keyboard cat.

Here's the original clip. It seems that the guy that filmed it, Charlie Schmidt describes himself as a "graphic artist, performance artist, painter, producer, actor and international talent with the dancing nose". And you can order keyboard cat tshirts through the website. It's not always the case that whoever uploads the "original" version of a meme profits from its existence. Good on Charlie Schmidt. I think.

And here's the first "remix", the one that started it all.

There are a ridiculous number of versions. Ridiculous. And like every meme, some are funny...and others are just plain bad. Point is, there's so many that there is now a spin-off website similar to and I Can Has Cheezburger. It's here for your viewing pleasure.

Anyway, we thought that we may as well make a remix of our bear video...and considering the "fail" element of our bear video (speaking of which, I sent the original to FailBlog), keyboard cat seemed to fit the bill pretty well.

So here it is...Play him off, keyboard cat! He was uploaded on the 13th, using a different account than the one used for the original.

It's currently on 128 views...which I think is pretty impressive, considering we haven't been "plugging" it as much as the original video. No comments yet. A rating of 3.5. Still, we've still got a little while before it's really crunch time for the videos.

I don't think I'll post this one on Digg/Reddit. It's videos like this one that have been "ruining" those sites. Digg especially seems to be a little overrun by stupid pictures and other memes...and as much as I do still find them all highly amusing, I don't think I'll contribute to that sort of corruption. Haha.

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