Saturday, May 16, 2009

Youtube Report.

Yes, the videos are up!!
A lot has happened in the past two days...!

Firstly, here's the link: Don't arrest me, I'm a bear!!

I uploaded it quite late on the night of May 13th, in a whirlwind of MSN conversations (yes, MSN...) and Facebook comments to get those initial views up. It's now 7pm on the 16th. We're on 820 views, and there are 133 members of our Facebook group. Check out the pics, they're a little outdated though.

Amazing, no?

Anyway, in that first day or so that it had been online, what struck me most was the fact that a surprisingly large number of people thought the video was completely legitimate. I'm not kidding. Or if they didn't think it was completely legit, they thought I had actually been arrested in a bear suit.

Keep in mind these are all my friends. Should I be a little ashamed? I know that my pals Dim and Fish spent a LONG time arguing about whether or not I was really arrested. I suppose I have to blame my propensity for doing outrageous things in public for that, and what we wrote in the "description" for the video itself (positioning it as a video bystander had shot as it unfolded before them) BUT at the same time, I thought no one could possibly think that it was real. I've been proved wrong, it seems.

And it seems that this very argument is what has been most discussed in the comments (all thirteen of them!) that the video's received so far!


Also notice that the negative ones have been given thumbs down multiple times. Ha.

What next?
I've been waiting for the views to rise before posting on Digg and Reddit, so it's now time to put that aspect of the plan into effect. One problem: Reddit is currently down for maintenance. So that'll have to wait a couple of days, which is a little annoying.

Not to worry though, this gives us a chance to write up some eZedia stuff for the fine cut this coming week.

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